We are in historic times now as our country faces many challenges within and without. Our resilience is certainly being tested, and I think it is a good time to see “what kind of metal” we are made from. Our Government of the One, or in other words, our ability to think through situations, make decisions and be responsible for those decisions, is even more important now than ever before in my lifetime.
As many opposing forces are trying to pull apart a nation that has a divine destiny, that has had a voice in helping countries throughout the world at different points in its history, it would be easier to give up and think the light of the nation is being blown out. However, historically, that is when people really begin to understand what is most important to them in life and are able to raise to a higher level personally. A nation is no stronger than the people who inhabit it individually and collectively. And just like a person has strengths and weaknesses, so does a nation. When people focus on weaknesses and set aside recognizing their strengths, they become weaker and more vulnerable. Not that we should boast of our strengths of character, but we need to recognize them in order to benefit those around us. This nation was built one community at a time and the continuance of it lies in us helping to strengthen the areas we live in community by community. Our voice for good and encouragement is much needed.